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Piedmont governor trial date set for Oct 21

Cota accused of fiddling purchases including green underpants

07 April, 13:16
Piedmont governor trial date set for Oct 21 (ANSA) - Turin, April 7 - Piedmont Governor Roberto Cota will go on trial October 21 for allegedly fiddling expenses in the latest spending scandal to hit Italy's regional governments.

The Italian media have latched on to claims Cota used party funds for various trappings of offices including a pair of underpants in the green of his Northern League party.

Cota is acting Piedmont governor until May re-elections in the northwestern region after his 2010 victory was voided.

The populist Northern League has been hit by expenses probes in Milan and Venice while its former ally, Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party, has undergone investigations in Rome.

The ruling Democratic Party has been probed in southern regions.