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Italian food community says 'Eat Different'

Book give recipes for those who eat outside the box

07 April, 17:39
Italian food community says 'Eat Different' (ANSA) - Rome, April 7 - In Italy, the number of people who eat differently - the vegetarians, the vegans, the gluten- and lactose-intolerant - are on the rise, and a new book by a duo of women has coined a term and forged a community.

Entitled Eat Different, the book by a creative director at a design studio, Lorenza Dadduzio, and youth public policy consultant Flavia Giordano, out now courtesy of Gribaudo publishers, purports to differentiate those who eat 'right' - that is, following mainstream dictates - from those who eat 'left', or those who choose alternative diets.

Lefty eaters, the two women write, fall into eight categories: vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, low-fat, low-sugar, low sodium, and the curious foodies, or those who are wont to strike out on adventures of the palate in search of unusual and exciting flavors or combinations.

''We are inspired by the idea that alternative and creative solutions exist...a lefty way that will subvert the notion that different equals wrong,'' they wrote.

Using mottoes like ''I believe in dietary diversity as an added value'' and ''If things don't go right, go left'', the book features 72 recipes by a numerous coterie of chefs, food bloggers and aficionados, based on seasonal fruits, vegetables, and products from all over the Bel Paese, each including a detailed description of the properties and benefits of each ingredient.