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Man arrested for shooting two journalists in Afghanistan

Taliban group threatened wave of attacks to disrupt elections

04 April, 11:52
Man arrested for shooting two journalists in Afghanistan (ANSA) - Kabul, April 4 - A man in a police officer's uniform was arrested in the eastern Afghanistan province of Khost for shooting and killing a German photographer and seriously injuring a Canadian journalist, Khost police said Friday. It is unknown whether the man was an actual police agent or a militant posing as one, but an Afghani Taliban group has threatened "a wide range of attacks will be launched across the country" in view of presidential elections Saturday. "The entirety of these fraudulent elections are in the crosshairs of our mujaheddin," the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan warned on a Website page.

German photographer Anja Niedringhaus and American journalist Kathy Gannon, both working for the Associated Press, were shot by an armed man in a police uniform as as they were about to enter the governor's office in the Tanai district of the province of Khost, reported Tolo TV.