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Italian cabinet passes decree for new energy efficiency

Updates strategy to reduce primary consumption 20% by 2020

04 April, 16:24
Italian cabinet passes decree for new energy efficiency (ANSA) - Rome, April 4 - Premier Matteo Renzi's cabinet on Friday passed a decree updating measures to be taken to reduce Italian primary energy consumption 20% by 2020, the government said in a statement.

"The reduction target for energy consumption by 2020, already set by the national energy strategy, today is updated with new measures," the statement said.

They aim for "energy efficiency in public administration, businesses and households according to the objectives set by the EU for a reduction in the consumption of primary energy by 20% by 2020," the statement added. The new measures include yearly improvements to energy use in public buildings; a new obligation for big companies and energy-intensive businesses to conduct diagnostic assessments of energy use; the creation of a national fund to grant financial guarantees and allocate funds for energy efficiency to promote modifications to public and residential buildings as well as efficiencies in industry and services.